Tuesday, August 23, 2016

හිසට වහලක් අහිමි නවසීලන්ත වැසියෝ.

නවසීලන්තයේ ගෙවල් අහිමි වැසියන් මෝටර් රථ වල සහ ගාරාජ වල ජිවත් වෙති. වරක සමාජ සුබසාදනය පිළිබද ප්‍රමුක ස්ථානයක නවසීලන්තය සිටියේය. නමුත් දැන් නවසීලන්ත වැසියන් 100 දෙනෙකුගෙන් එක අයෙක් නිවාස නොමැති කමින් පෙලේ.

ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ බොහෝ දෙනෙකුට හිසට සෙවනක් නැත. නිවාස ගැන කතා කිරීමේදී නිරතුරුව මතක් වන්නේ දිවංගත ආර් ප්‍රේමදාස ජනදිපතිවරයය. ඒ ඔහුගේ නිවාස වැඩ පිළිවෙල නිසාය. ඔහුගේ පුතා සජිත් වර්තමාන ආණ්ඩුවේ නිවාස ඇමතිය. ඔහු යමක් කරයිද? සියලු දෙනාගේ අවදානය ඔහු වෙත යොමුව පවතියි.

ඉංග්‍රීසි ලිපිය කියවීමට පහත සබැදියාව වෙත යොමු වන්න.

A rape case.

To rescue the rapist (police constable) of 16 years 01 month old girl the OIC for the second time and the ASP for the third time raped her. At the age of 15 she went to work in a garment factory after dismissed from the school. The police constable called Chinthaka grabbed her. For her Chinthaka is a god. The constable Chinthaka accompanied her to the Hasitha guest house after making marriage promises.

He raped her after giving cheated marriage promises. After few days he ignored her. She came to know that she was helpless. It was mentioned below in the written complaint that she sent to the inspector general of police child and women beaure of police the attorney general and the human rights commission.

''After that he started to ignore me. But continuously I called him via phone. I did not have anybody to tell this. I told this incident in detail to my friend Sadamali akka. She told this to her husband Madusanka. Madusanka's father works in the police so he said he could not say this to him in directly. Madusanka gave my phone number to Chathuranga. Chathuranga called me via phone and said I was accompanied to lodge a complaint at the Panadura unit. (Which was in the office of Panadura Assistant officers office)

But I did not agree. I informed this to Chinthaka via phone. Chinthaka told me that Chathuranga was a drug addict. After a following day Chinthaka told me to come near the police station. He said me to come around 5.30 pm. Inside the police station Chinthaka told me that he was going to marry me he was afraid of loosing the job and told me to make a complaint against Chathuranga as this. Chinnthaka took me to a police officer who was in uniform who was in a room which was in the right hand side. Chinthaka told him that I was the younger sister that whom Chathuranga took by a try shaw. The officer asked me whether I had a love affair with Chinthaka. I said yes. The said police officer told me to go and make a complaint as said by Chinthaka and also said that I did not have a love affair with Chinthaka. After that Chinthaka took me to the division of child and women affairs. There were nobody and told me to come at 10 am on the following day. The following day Chinthaka and I went to women and children division and a female officer called Ms. Manike recorded a complaint as said by Chinthaka. I signed it. After that Chinthaka ignored to answer my telephone calls. 

I took a decision that Chinthaka lied me. I called Chathuranga and said I made false complaint against him according to the wish of Chinthaka. After that Chathuranga took me to the ASP officer in Panadura by try shaw on 28.07.2016. 

Chathuranaga took me to  the officer called Padmalal He forwared me to a female officer called Renuka. She noted down a statement. After that I was forwarded ASP Wijewardana. He told me the that the following day 29th at 10 am Chinthaka would be summoned to the police station. I arrived at the police station as said but Chinthaka did not come. 

I was called to come on 01.08.2016. I went and met the senior police officer called Wijegunawardena. Chinthaka was also arrived. The said police officer asked from both of us in detail. At that time Chinthaka promised to marry me. The said police officer told Chinthaka to give a letter saying that he was going to marry me. He went without providing a letter. After that I came to know Chathuraga was arrested by the Bandaragama police. 

I state that I was cheated by the senior police officer Wijegunawardena by taking me to a guest house promising to marry and raping me. I am now harassed by Bandaragama police saying me to come to the police because of the false statement recorded from me by the female police officer called Manike.''

077 3201270
038 2231419

Monday, August 22, 2016

එංගලන්තය විෂාදය සහ කාන්සාව.

එංගලන්තයේ තරුණ ගැහැණු ළමුන්ගෙන් 1/3 ක් විෂාදයෙන් සහ කාංසාවෙන් පෙලෙන බව වාර්තා වේ. එය 2005 සිට 33% ක ප්‍රතිශතයේ සිට 37% ක ප්‍රතිශතයක් දක්වා වර්දනය වීමකි. මෙම ගැහැණු ළමයි 37% ක් අසතුටෙන් වටිනා කම අඩුවෙන් සහ සිත එකග කර ගැනීමට නොහැකි බැවින් පෙලෙන බව වාර්තා වේ. තරුණ පිරිමි ළමුන් සම්බන්දයෙන් මෙම තත්වය ස්ථාවරව පවතී. මෙය දෙපාර්ශවයේම අද්‍යාපනය කෙරෙහි නරක ලෙස බලපෑ තිබේ. ඔවුන්ට බලපාන ගැටලුවක් ලෙස නින්ද නොයාමද පවතී.

ඉරාකය ;- ළමා ශ්‍රමිකයින් බරපතල ගැටලුවකි.

යුද්දයෙන් බිද වැටුණු ඉරාකය තුල ළමා ශ්‍රමිකයින් බරපතල ගැටලුවක් වේ. ඉරාක ළමුන් 575000ක් පාසල් යාම වෙනුවට වැඩ වල යෙදෙති. මෙය 1990 වර්ෂයට වඩා දෙගුණයකි. 

අට හැවිරිදි අබ්දුල් කාරීම් මෙසේ කියයි. මට යාලුවෝ ඉන්නවා හැබැයි සෙල්ලම් කරන්න වෙලාවක් නැහැ පවුලේ අයට උදවු කරන්න ඕන නිසා වැඩේ යෙදෙනවා. කාරීම් දැන් අවතැන් වූ ඉරාක වැසියන් සිටින කදවුරක සිසිල් බිම සහ වතුර බෝතල් විකුණනු ලැබේ. මේ දත්ත සපයනු ලබන්නේ යුනිසෙෆ් වාර්තා වලට අනුවය. 

යුනුසේෆ්ට අනුව ඉරාකයේ ප්‍රචණ්ඩත්වය සහ ආදායම් අඩුවීම හේතුවෙන් වැඩි පවුල් ගණනකට ළමුන් වැඩෙහි යෙදවීමට සිදුව ඇත. අද දවසේ ඉරාකය යනු ළමුන්ට ජීවත්වීම සදහා ඇති නරකම ස්ථානයක් වේ. එය ඔබ ළමයකු ලෙස හැදී වැදීමට නුසුදුසුම ස්ථානය වේ. 

ඉතා අඩු වයසකදී මෙම ළමුන් අනතුරකට මුහුණ දෙයි ඔවුන්ට රසායනික ද්රවිය සාදන කැලිකසල ඉවත් කරන ස්ථාන වල වැඩ කිරීමට සිදුව තිබේ. ඒවායේ කටයුතු අනාරක්ෂිත වේ. ඔවුන්ට දැඩි වෙහෙසක් ගෙන ඉතා අදික පැය ගණනක් වැඩ කිරීමට සිදුව ඇත. 

ඉරාකයේ ළමා ශ්‍රමික ප්‍රශ්නය කළමනාකරණය කිරීම ඉතා දුෂ්කර වුවකි. ඒ ප්‍රජාවන් අතර ආණ්ඩුවේ බලදාරින් අතර සහ මානුෂිය සංවිදාන අතර සහයෝගිතාවක් නොමැති බැවිනි. එහි සිටින යුනිසෙෆ් නියෝජිතයකු කියන ආකාරයට ඔවුන් ළමුන් පාසල් යැවීමට පවුල් උනන්දු කරන අතර එම පවුල් වලට සහන සැලසීමට බලදාරින් උනන්දු කල යුතුව තිබේ.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

NPC on strong position against police malpractices.

The national police commission takes a strong position. They said they would not be tolerate corruption in the police any more. They take this stand with the commission of corruption and bribery. They also take steps to implement this program. 

They hope to use technology and take support from the civil society organisations regarding this. 

Up to now no government suited to accept police corruption.

Now the national police commission says it has taken stern actions regarding the corruption in the police with the collaboration with the commission of bribery and corruption.

The so called intellectuals politicians priests have an attitude that the police takes bribes and do corrupt practices due to their low salaries. Now the national police commission refused this attitude. They said 80% of the country's population are poor. If this is true then they too steal and become thieves.

Another objective of the national police commission is to implement rules and regulations of the department of the police and make police officers dignified. 

These ideas came in a recent meeting of the National Police Commission with the commission of bribery and corruption. For this program the ministry of law and peace and some other civil society groups were joined.

First Education Second Police.

The education comes first defeating the police. Because of the bribery and corruption issue. For a long time the police has become the number one authority of bribery and corruption. In this year the education becomes first institution of corruption and the police becomes number two institution on the same issue. 

Sri Lanka is a corrupt state. The rule of law in the country is declined. Because of the judiciary the police the attorney general and other authorities and the relevant people who are for defend the rule of law are corrupt and remain silence in front of the corruption. 

These so called people priests and the politicians have a common argument that it is a wrong to mention only the police is corrupted because all most all the institutions in the country are corrupted. 

Every society has corrupt people. There are thieves fraudsters and criminals. Only with religious sermons not making the society better place to live. But law is the essential. The authorities who implement the law are a necessity. The accountability of these authorities is to implement the law. Only a balance society is created due to the correct implementing of the law. 

The law should be in the highest position. The authorities who are for implement law  should act according to the law. 

It is time to give away nonsense arguments and make all most all the institutions including the police who are not corrupted.

038 2231419
077 3201270

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Ms. Revadi seeks justice.

She is Ms. Revadi. She raises a question. A drunken person came to her house saying filth and damaged the property. She asked whether law is silent regarding this because is she an Indian origin citizen? 

She made a written complaint to the inspector general of police the human rights commission and the national police commission regarding this incident. Here what is contained in her written complaint.

''It was around 10.30 noon on 30.07.2016. One person called Pathum Madusanka was drunken and came to our house. He asked my brother a glass whom with weakness in eye sight and hearing. He didn't understand what he asked for. When I heard some one blaming then I came outside. He again asked a glass from me. I said I could not give because he was a drunken and went inside. Then Pathum Madusanka blamed me in using filth and broke two chairs in the veranda. 

I took a call to 119 number and informed it. Two 119 police officers arrived in a motorcycle. There was a lake near our house. When they arrived a group of five persons were taking alcohol near the lake. The police personal went there and accompanied Pathum Madusanka to the road. I identified him. The police personal blamed him and gave a chit to him asking to appear before the police station on the following day. The police personal also informed me to appear. The police personals went. Then again Pathum Madusanka came in front of my house and blamed using filth and threatened to throw acid on me. The time was around 6 in the evening. At around 6.30 pm my father and I went to the Mathugama police and complained. The complaint bearing number was CIB 01-62/382.

After 04 days the police constable called Dammika arrived and recorded a statement from me. He informed me to appear before the police station around 10 in the morning on 12.08.2016. I went. But Pathum Madusanka was not arrived. The police did not say what steps they would take. Until now he will not be arrested. ''

She requests relevant authorities to take legal actions against the police officers attached to the Mathugama police who allow the criminals to be free and ensures her safety.

To see the Sinhala link,

077 3201270
038 2231419

වහල් මනාලියන්.

ලොව වැඩිම වහලුන් සිටින රට ඉන්දියාවයි. එයින් විශාල ගණනක් කාන්තාවන් සහ ගැහැණු දරුවන් විවාහය සදහා විකුණනු ලැබේ. පුළුල්ව පැතිරුණු ආර්ථික අසමානතාවය අල්ලස නිසා මෙම අලුත් වහල්බාවය එනම් වහල් මනාලියන් වේගයෙන් වියාප්ත වී තිබේ. කාන්තාවන් සහ ගැහැණු ළමුන් ඇමෙරිකන් ඩොලර් 120 ට පමණ අඩු මුදලකට විකුණනු ලැබේ. ඔවුන්ව බර කම්කරු වැඩ වලට සහ අතවරයන්ට ලක් කරනු ලබන බව කියවේ. 

ඉන්දියාවේ ගැහැණු ළමුන් සලකන්නේ මුල්‍ය කරදරයක් ලෙසය. ගැහැණු ළදරුවන් මරා දැමීම ස්ත්‍රී සමාජ බාවය මත සිදුකරන ගබ්සාව හේතුව ඉතා ඉහල දැවැද්ද වේ. විශේෂඥයින්ට අනුව මෙය මනාලියන් කුට්ටනය කිරීම උනන්දු කරයි. 

ජමිලා හිටපු වහල් මනාලියකි. ඇය මෙසේ කියා සිටි. ඇයව කුට්ටනය කල අය විසින් අැයව පැහැරගෙන යනු ලැබිණි. ඇයට මත්ද්රවිය ලබාදෙන ලදී. ඒ දේවල් සිදු කලේ අතවර කරන මිනිසෙකුට සරණ පවා දීමට පෙරදීය. "ඔහු මට පහර දුන්නේය. ඒ දිවා කාලයේදී සහ රාත්‍රී කාලයේදීය. මට දැඩි රස්නය මදයේ මුළු දවසම වැඩ කිරීමට සිදු විය. ජිවිතයක් තිබුනේ නැත. මේ ජිවිතේ අරුත කුමක්ද? ''

මනාලියන් කුට්ටනය සහ එහි වින්දිතයින් වෙනුවෙන් කටයුතු කරන බිම් මට්ටමේ සන්විදනයක් පවත්වා ගෙන යනු ලබන කෙනෙකි ශෆික් ඛාන්. ඔහු මෙසේ කියා සිටියි. ගැහැණු දරුවන්ට රස්සාවල් දෙකක වැඩ ඇත. ඔවුන් ලිංගික වහලුන්ය. ඒ එක පිරිමියෙකුට නොව පිරිමින් 10 ත් 12 ත් අතර කන්ඩායමකටය. ඊට අමතරව කෘෂිකර්මාන්තය එනම් උදැසන සිට රාත්‍රිය දක්වා ගොවිපල වල සතුන් සමග කටයුතු කිරීමට සිදුව ඇත.

මෙම ලිපිය සම්පුර්ණයෙන් ඉංග්‍රීසි බසින් කියවීමට පහත සබැදියාව හා යොමු වන්න.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

A citizen was Tortured.

His name is Jayantha Fernando. He has made this complaint to the human rights commission, the inspector general of police and the national police commission on 13.08.2016.

''It was on 13.08.2016 around 11 am near Sachithra private hospital in Horana road Panadura. I was driving my try shaw and a motor cycle came and collided with it. 

The motorcyclist got down from it and shouted in filth and saying I was from the police. He assaulted me using his helmet and hands. The blows directed at my face and head. As a result of this I was fainted. 

The police officers who arrived there put me and my sister into a try shaw and brought to the Panadura base hospital. I was admitted at the hospital. 

When I was in the ward number 01 at the Panadura hospital the Panadura South police came and recorded a statement from me. The judicial medical officer examined me. He said my left year was damaged and informed me to arrive at the clinic.

Within half an hour I was admitted, the police officer who assaulted me also came and admitted at the hospital. I came to know he was the sub inspector Suranga Ranaweera from Panadura Fraud Beurae. I was in the hospital for three days. Until this time my try shaw is being detained at the Panadura South Police. 

Mr. Jayantha Fernando states his fundamental rights were violated. He requests to take legal and disciplinary actions against the sub inspector Suranga Ranaweera and also arrest him and produce him before the court. ''

The new Yahapalana government fails to stop torture fabrication of charges and corruption. To fulfill and restore reconciliation between the races it is essential to minimize torture and violence  which has created by the state. This case is an example that all the institutions established by Yahapalana government are being failed regarding this. 

When Jayantha Fernando was being assaulted people gathered and demanded that the said police officer had no right to assault a person although he is from the police. 

To Sinhala version, 

038 2231419
077 3201270

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

ගුවන්ටනාමෝ සිරගෙය සහ අපේ සිරගෙය.

වොෂින්ටනය ගුවන්ටනාමෝ සිරකරුවන් 15 ක් එක්සත් අරාබි එමීර් රාජ්ජයට මාරු කර යවයි. මෙය ඔබාමා පාලනයේදී මාරු කර හරිනු ලැබූ වැඩිම සිරකරුවන් ගණන වේ. කියුබාවේ මෙම සිරගෙය පවත්වා ගෙන යනු ලබන්නේ එක්සත් ජනපද හමුදාව විසිනි. 2001 සැප්තැම්බර් 11 නිවු යෝක්ප්‍රහාරයෙන් පසුව මෙහි සිටි සිරකරුවන් ගණන 780 කි. මෙම සිරකරුවන් නිදහසින් පසුව නිරතුරු අදික්ෂණයට සහ පුනුරුත්තාපන වැඩසටහන් වලට යොමු කරනු ලැබේ. 

අපේ සිරගෙවල් විශේෂයෙන් වැලිකඩ සිරගෙය ගැන නිරතුරුව කතා කෙරේ. වැලිකඩ ගැන දැනට වැඩි අවදානයක් යොමුව ඇත්තේ රාජපක්ෂ ඥාතීන් වර්තමානයේ සිරකිරීමත් සමගය. ඊයේ නාමල් රාජපක්ෂ මන්ත්‍රීවරයා රක්ෂිත බන්දනාගාර ගත කෙරිණි. 

ජනාදිපති මයිත්රිපාල සිරිසේන සිරගෙය තුල වැඩි පහසුකම් රෝහල් ඇති කල යුතු බව කියා සිටි. මෙය සාමාන්‍ය සිරකරුවන් සම්බන්දයෙන් වැදගත් වේ. තවද ඔහුගේ අවදානය පහත කරුණු සම්බන්දයෙන්ද යොමුවිය යුතුව තිබේ. ඒ බන්දනාගාර තදබදය රැදවියන්ට වදහිංසා පැමිණවීම අල්ලස හා දුෂණය සහ මත්ද්රවිය ඇතුළු නීතිවිරෝදී කටයුතු සම්බන්දයෙනි. බන්දනාගාර වල රැදවියන්ට ඉගැන්වීමට තියෙන මහන මැෂින් වල මහන්නේ නිලදාරීන්ගේ ඇදුම්ය. තවද රැදවියන්ට නිලදාරීන්ගේ කකුල් මසාජ් කරන්නට සිදුවේ. නීතිවිරෝදී ද්රවිය වලින් 95% ක් බන්දනාගාරය තුලට ගෙනෙනු ලබන්නේ නිලදාරින්ය. මිට විරුද්දව නිතිය ක්‍රියාත්මක කල යුතුව තිබේ.

මේ දේවල් ඉටු වුවහොත් පමණක් සිරකරුවන්ද මනුශ්ෂයෝය යන්න බෝඩ් ලෑල්ලකට පමණක් සිමා නොවනු ඇත. 

ඉංග්‍රීසි ලිපිය සදහා පහත සබැදියාව වෙත යොමු වන්න.

Monday, August 15, 2016

No Names

The officers at the human rights commission of Sri Lanka have no names. They don't like to disclose their names to the clients. For a long period of time they have done this to cover up the corruption. Without dignity of these officers how they can defend the human rights of people.

The yahapalana government nominated it's chairperson and other commissioners but upto now they are being failed to address this issue. The police has not stopped opposition protests like pada yathra but they do not stop torturing citizens. 

Two examples.

1. On 03.08.2016 she called to the hotline of  the human rights commission regarding the illegal arrest and detention of her husband by Bandaragama police. The officer who replied via  phone did not mention her identity. She politely asked what the name of the said officer. She refused to mention her name saying ''not necessary''. 

2. A complainant came from Passara trying to make a complaint before the human rights commission. The day officer told him to go to their office at Badulla. His complaint was that taking bribes by an ex inquiring officer who lied still working in the human rights commission. This officer's wife (who works in the HRC) refrained him by handed over the complaint to the chairperson. She told him that according to the instructions of the chairperson it couldn't be done.

The objective of the human rights commission is to protect and promote human rights, minimise violations and give relife to the people. This does not happens. Then what can the people do? Maintain silence?

077 3201270
038 2231419

Because of cow deng.

Berni Kamal Mahakumara 39 years old, married profession Bako machine operator at Bentota divisional secretariat. Reside at 361 A 1 Galthuduva Gonagalapura. The complaint was made on 09.08.2016. He has sent it to chairman human rights commission, the inspector general of police and the attorney general.

On 04.05.2016 as usual I went to my work place. After going there I came to know from others that some people threw cow den at a female officer called Ruwanthilaka on her way to the office. All the staff went there to see what was happened. I too was. Our secretary was also went there and informed us to go back to the work. We did as said. I worked and came home.

On 05.05.2016 and 06.05.2016 I went to the office as usual. On 6th when I came home I received a phone message requesting the baco machine I replied saying I would do it after getting the permission from our secretary.

On that day in the evening  I went to a friend's house. My younger brother gave me a call and said the police arrived at home and searching me saying that my motor bicycle collided with two persons. I said him that it was not happened and but I would come to the police.

I informed this to the ex chairman via phone. He went to the police and called me back saying no problem but I would be summoned regarding the problem of female officer Ms. Ruwanthilaka.

As informed my younger brother younger sister and I myself went to the Bentota police at around 9.30 to 10 at night. The chairman was also at the police station. A policeman in civilian clothes said they had all the information that the technical officer and I myself did this. I said him that I did not have any connection also asked why did you suspect me. He said he had all the information and said me to empty my pocket. I took my wallet and mobile phone outside. When I tried to give the phone to my younger brother the officer grabbed it and had taken me to a room. Ms. Ruwanthilaka was there too. The police officer assaulted my face 10 to 11 times continuously saying me to tell the truth otherwise beaten me to death. I said him that I did not commit any wrong and because of humanity I arrived at the police station. Then the said police officer said I would teach you humanity if not I tell the truth and continuously assaulted me. He took a pole and assaulted my shoulders and knees.

After that the said police officer said I did not disclose anything and told the another officer to bring the other two persons. Then that officer brought another two persons to the same room. They were forced to sit on the floor. And the said two police officers assaulted their soles. The said officers stood on their foot and stamped them. The officer's asked them whether I was the said person. These two persons said they didn't know me and saw me today first time. Then the police officers threatened and further assaulted them saying to claim this lawsuit.

After the assault they took them again. The first said officer again started to assault me saying filthy language. They mostly assaulted my knees and shoulders. I continuously replied that I did not commit a wrong and not knowing the other suspects.

After that I was put inside the cell. The said police officer who assaulted me sat on a table in front of the cell and threatened me to disclose the truth otherwise put me and other technical officer to this lawsuit and not allowed me to remain in the government job and went away saying coming back in the morning of the following day.

In the morning of the following day the other two suspects were taken out and recorded a statement from them. After that I was taken outside and took all of us to the magistrate's bungalow by the jeep. I was remanded. A lawyer appeared behalf of me stated to the court that I was assaulted by the police and not no involvement in the incident. The bearing number of fabrication lawsuit is 89835 and charge was threw cow deng to an female officer works in divisional secretariat office in Bentota.

When I was taken to the prison  I made a statement that I was assaulted by the police. After that I was given medicine to take by the prison. Until 17.05.2016 I was in the prison. On 17th I was granted bail.

The police informed the court that they have to arrest another suspect but until today they would not be arrested anybody. Now they stopped my job by filing this fabricated lawsuit. The police had taken my mobile phone. They did not give it back to me. I informed the police to hand it over but not. When I requested it the police officer called Iran said any way you would collect it and threatened don't come here requesting it. 

What I request is to take legal actions against the police officers including one called Iran who assaulted me tortured me and fabricated charges against me and quit the fabricated lawsuit and take steps to hand me over the mobile phone back which belong to me. 

038 2231419
077 3201270

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

An order from the Lady Justice.

''Give the child to the father who was not the father of the child. Go to the married husband to die with assault. She was married at the age of 16. The order of this woman give by the lady justice. The police and the probation are also responsible. ''

The parents married her to a person who is a labor and a newspaper reporter. He is a patriot. He works for Mavubima and Divayina newspapers.

After the marriage he satisfied with torturing her wife both mentally and physically. She didn't get any relief from the police and her parents. They handed her over to the legal husband.

In 2011 she went to her parents because of the assaulted directed to her by the husband. Her drunken father also tortured her mother and she couldn't bear it and interfered.  She was injured due to the hard hit of her father. Her spiral code was damaged. Since then once a week she has got clinical treatment. She was treated at the Colombo National hospital for more than four months. Only twice her legal husband was visited at the hospital.

When she was ok she went to her husband and found a small job. She also found a boy friend and it was not a secret to her legal husband. But he tortured her continuously.

In 2014 she became pregnant. In the 10th  January  2015 she gave birth to a girl child. For the birth certificate she had to put the name of the legal husband. Now the child has two fathers a biological father and legal husband.

The legal husband continuously harassed and tortured her. She saved her life from her husband with much difficulty. On 11 January 2016 she made a complaint to the police regarding this. Because no other solution she went to her parents with the child. The legal husband also made a complaint in another police station. The Officer In Charge summoned her and forced her to give the child to the legal husband. At that time the infant child was 1 year and four months old and was under breast feeding. The Officer in Charge of police told her that the child belongs to the police OIC and the magistrate.

The police filled a lawsuit before the court. The court day she was taken to the probation and forcefully taken her signature to a document saying that she liked to go with the legal husband. She signed it because the police threatened her if not the child would be give to the custody of the probation. 

She told the probation female officer that the child was not from her legal husband. The female probation officer mentioned it to the female judge. The magistrate removed the husband from the chamber and asked the truth from her. She told her that the child was not from the legal husband.

The female judge asked the police and the probation whether her boyfriend was tall and fat and further told them that the child was seemed not to be like the legal father. 

But the female judge said the child belong to the legal husband and ordered her to go to the legal husband. The female judge was courageous to say if not she would be remanded. 

The court ordered her. The legal husband who came outside the court said he would take the child and not allowed her to come to the house.

Now the mother and the child are in two separate places. If she might go to the legal husband he would kill her. The legal husband may kill the child whom not belong to him. 

Note;- In Sri Lanka the entire law  is deteriorated. There are  rapist persons who theft elephants persons who take bribes and do gambling sit on judicial chambers. This is not a surprise. Among others these wrongful judges get promotions. Shall we silent any more? In future we will disclose the entire case with the real names and positions. 


077 3201270

Link to the Sinhala version.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

බල්ටිමෝර් පොලිසිය. ශ්‍රී ලංකා පොලිසිය නොවේ.

එක්සත් ජනපද යුක්ති දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව මෙසේ කියයි. එනම් බල්ටිමෝර් පොලිසිය විශේෂයෙන් කළු ජාතීන්ගේ අයිතිවාසිකම් කඩ කරන බවයි. ඒ නීතිවිරෝදී නැවතීම් පරීක්ෂණ සහ අත්අඩංගුවට ගැනීම් මගිනි. ගිය වසරේදී ෆ්රේඩි ග්‍රේ නමැති කළු ජාතිකයා රැදවුම් බාරයේ සිටියදී මරණයට පත් විය. 

ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ යහපාලන ආණ්ඩුව සංහිදියාවක් ගැන කතා කරයි. නමුත් නිතිය හා පිළිවෙල නොමැතිව එයින් පලක් නැත. අපේ පොලිසිය විශේෂයෙන් පිඩාවට පත් ජනතාව ජාති කුල ආගම් පන්ති බේදයක් නොමැතිව පිඩාවට සහ මර්දනයට පාත්‍ර කරනු ලැබේ. වදහිංසාව ඉහලය. බොරු නඩු දැමීම ඉහලය. වෙනසකට ඇත්තේ අදිකරණයෙන් බැහැරව සිදුවන මරා දැමීම වාර්තා නොවීම පමණි.

Religious noise pollution.

Noise pollution is harmful not only to human beings but other animals too. The laws are available to combat it. There are also rules and regulations. There are the police and the environmental authority. But in musical shows and religious prayers they have used loud speakers and this cause to noise pollution. It is not good to physical and mental health. 

A group of people in Panadura have complained this to the assistant superintendent of police in Panadura about this. They requested it in written form to stop this. When a complaint comes from people the authorities have to stop it according to the law. In Panadura this not happens and continue noise pollution. The Panadura police is under corruption and deaf and blind to this nuisance. 

There is a responsibility part of the people. They don't come forward and not complaining. They are waiting until another person will do it.



Monday, August 8, 2016

පකිස්ථානය ;- මිය ගිය ගණන 70 කි.

මැරුණු ගණන 70 කි. මරා ගෙන මැරෙන බෝම්බ ප්‍රහාරයකි. ප්‍රහාරය එල්ල වුයේ කියුටා හි රෝහලක් කේන්ද්‍ර කර ගෙනය. වගකීම අයි එස් අයි එල් කණ්ඩායම හා තලේබාන් වරු බාර ගෙන තිබේ. ප්‍රහාරය සිදුවුයේ සදුදාය.  

අවියෙන් අවිය නසන්නට බැරිය. දතට දතක් ඇසට ඇසක් නියාය අදට නොගැලපේ. අයි එස් අයි එල් සහ තලේබාන්වරු මර්දනය කිරීමට නිතියනුකුල ක්‍රියා මාර්ගයකට යායුතුව ඇත. මෙයට විසදුම ලොව පුරා සිටින මුස්ලිම්වරුන්ගෙන් පලිගැනීමද නොවේ. මහජනතාව අතර සංවාදයක් ඇති කර මෙය හෙලා දැකිය යුතු අතර වරදකරුවන් සම්බන්දයෙන් නිතිය ක්‍රියාත්මක කල යුතුව ඇත. ශ්‍රී ලංකවේ ත්‍රස්තවාදය පරාජය කල අයුරු හොද ආදර්ශයක් නොවේ.

Tragedy of two brothers

Kavinda and Thekshana are two brothers. On 01.08.2016 they went to the police station to see their arrested father. Kavinda is an army personal. The following is the complaint that he made to the inspector general of police and the human rights commission.

The time is around 5.30 pm. I went to the police station at Wadduwa to see my father. I saw my father was in the police cell. When I tried to reach him one policeman called Soysa 49556 held my shirt and neck and pushed me hard to the outside. When I reached out side and tried to call my brother the said officer again came and pushed me to the compound. I told my brother via phone to come immediately. He said he was near by.

After sometime my brother Thikshana came. He went near the cell saying to the said police officer Soysa. When I tried to follow him the said officer again held my neck and pushed me outside. I said I wanted to see my father. Then the said officer said I was not allowed to see him. My brother also said to release me. Then the said police officer chased away both of us. We heard that my father from the cell said don't hit don't hit and further said I was from the army. We both came to the gate and tried to get into the motor bike the policemen shouted using filthy language and said don't allow us to go.

During the shouting four to five persons reached us fast. Three or four persons are in uniform One was in a T shirt mentioned number three and a trouser. 

The police bearing number 49556 called Soysa held my shirt and tried to assault me. Saying I was not assaulted before people and dragged me inside. The policemen in upstairs shouted and said to bring us upstairs to give. We were taken upstairs. From there we could see the Galle road. Six persons surrounded us. Two were in ordinary clothes. Among them were 49556 Soysa, 1803 ( don't know the name) 39144 Munasinha sub inspector Perera I don't know the names of other two persons but can identify after seen them They assaulted both of us using their hands a pole and a T 56 gun. Those shots directed all parts of our body. It took 5 to 10 minutes for the assault and took us down stairs. They held our necks and put us into the cell.

The said police officer Soysa told my brother to bring my leave permission card. My elder brother Thikshana went home and brought it. At that time the police officer Soysa was not available. Another police officer said now it was useless and already filled a lawsuit. There was a policeman in civilian clothes took the helmat from my brother to put it as a court good. My condition was not good. At night I vomited twice. The others in the cell told the reserve police officer that my condition was worse. But they did not admit me to a hospital.

The following day 02.08.2016 I was taken outside the cell. They took a statement, detail and a signature from me. They did not allow me to read it. I was handcuffed and took me to the Panadura base hospital. I was produced before a judicial medical officer. I told and showed the scars of police assault. He did not order to get treatment. He filled a form and gave a part of it to the police officer.

From there I was taken to the Panadura Magistrate court. I was detained there until 3 pm and produced before the Magistrate. A lawyer appeared behalf of me. The police charged me of obstructing duties and tried to give cigarette and betel to the other inmates in the police cell. The police requested to remand me for 14 days. I was released on two sureties valid RS.10,00,000/= The date of next court hearing will be 08.11.2016.

After that my brother and I arrived at Panadura base hospital. We were admitted. The following day 03.08.2016 My brother Thikashana was discharged. They had taken steps to transfer me to the army hospital and produced me before the judicial medical officer today - 05.08.2016.

I request to take legal actions against the police officers whom mentioned below who assaulted inhumanly both of us and fabricated charges against me and violated my fundamental rights 

1. 49556 Soysa
2. 1803 - don't know the name
3. 39144 - Munasinha
4. Sub Inspector Perera

Link to the Sinhala version,


038 2231419
077 3201270

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Two courageous women seek justice.

The name of the two women are Rupa Nandashili Haththotuwa and Ramani Perera. Both are reside in Hirana Panadura. Both have written an open letter to the Inspector General of Police Mr. Pujitha Jayasundera. 

The police officer who has harassed them is Mr. Liyanage Dilruk Gunathilaka alias Lal.  The police officer's bearing number is 32807. He was convicted for criminal offences. But he still works in Panadura South police under the blessings of the police higher ups. He often harasses these two women. The lawsuits against him were case number 63000 at Panadura Magistrate court and case bearing number 08/2013 at Panadura High court. 

In their letter to the Inspector General of Police they said the said police officer Lal misuses police powers and continuously harasses them.  One day this said police officer arrived in their houses under the influence of liquor blamed them using filthy language and threatened to kill them. They further states by making these persons survive in the police duties prove the law is not being implemented to police criminals.




038 2231419

Thursday, August 4, 2016

ජනතා අදිකරණය (79) ;- විශාකා විද්‍යාලයේ දොරටු විවුර්ත වේ.

මේ අංක 19/2015 දරන මුලික අයිතිවාසිකම් නඩුවේ තීන්දුවේ සාරාංශය වේ. ළමයා වෙනුවෙන් නඩුව පැවරුවේ දෙමාපියන්ය. එනම් සමන් ද සිල්වා සහ සුබාශිනි දිසානායක වේ. වගයුත්තරකරුවන් වුයේ විශාකා විද්‍යාලයේ විදුහල්පති අද්යාපන බලදාරින් සහ නිතිපතිවරයාය. 

විනිසුරු වනසුන්දර විනිසුරු අලුවිහාරේ සහ විනිසුරු උපාලි අබේරත්න යන ත්‍රිපුද්ගල විනිසුරු මඩුල්ලක් හමුවේ නඩුව විබාග විය. පෙත්සම්කරුවන් වෙනුවෙන් ජනාදිපති නීතිඥ උදිත ඉහලහේවා සමග නීතිඥ රංග දයානන්ද යන අයද වගයුත්තරකරුවන් වෙනුවෙන් ජනාදිපති නීතිඥ නියෝජ්‍ය සොලිසිටර් ජෙනරාල් සංජය රාජරත්නම් යන අය පෙනී සිටියහ. තීන්දුව ලබා දුන්නේ 2016.07.11 වැනිදාය. තීන්දුව ලීවේ විනිසුරු වනසුන්දර වන අතර ඊට අනෙක් විනිසුරු දෙපලගේ එකගතාවය හිමි විය.

පළමු වගයුත්තරකරු දරුවාව විශාකා විද්‍යාලයේ පළමු වසරට ඇතුලත් කර ගැනීම ප්‍රතික්ෂේප කළේය. දෙමාපියන්ව පළමු සම්මුක පරීක්ෂණයට කැදවුයේ නැති අතර දෙවන්නට කැදවනු ලැබිණි. ළමයා පදිංචිව සිටියේ පාසැල සලකා බලන ප්‍රදේශය තුලය. 

අදිකරණය පැවසුවේ ළමයාට පාසලට ඇතුලත් වීමට අයිතියක් ඇති බවයි. තවද පළමු වගයුත්තරකරු ළමයා පාසලට ඇතුලත් නොකිරීම අත්තනෝමතික නීතිවිරෝදී ක්‍රියාවක් වේ. තවද එය 1978 ආණ්ඩු ක්‍රම විවස්ථාවේ 12(1) වගන්තිය උල්ලන්ගනය කිරීමක්ද වේ.

දැරියගේ නම චතුනි මලින්තාද සිල්වාය. අදිකරණය නියෝග කලේ දැරියව විශාකා විද්‍යාලයේ 2 වන ශ්‍රේණියට ඇතුලත් කල යුතු බවත් ඇයට දැනටමත් පළමු ශ්‍රේණිය එනම් 2015 අහිමිව ඇති බවත්ය.

මෙම නඩු තීන්දුව සම්පුර්ණයෙන් ඉංග්‍රීසි බෂාවෙන් කියවීම සදහා පහත සබැදියාව හා යොමු වන්න.


Finally Justice received for Sunil's family.

Sunil Hemachandra was an ordinary person engaged in labor work in Sri Lanka. In June 2003 he won a lottery of thirty hundred thousand rupees. The Moragahahena police wanted to take some money from it. They took Sunil to the police station and assaulted him. He died due to the police assault. The police said it was happened due to epilepsy. 

The family members of late Sunil complained to the human rights commission. The human rights commission did nothing. With the help of Janasansadaya they filled a fundamental right case before the highest court Supreme Court in the country. It took 7 years to give the judgement from the Supreme Court. Finally no justice had happened to Sunil's family from the Supreme Court.

With the help of Asian Human Rights Commission in Hong Kong the case was reported before the human rights council in Jeneva Switzerland. They human rights council decided that Sunil's human rights were violated. Finally Justice received for Sunil's family.


Case No:- S.C.(F/R) 429/2003

United Nations Human Rights Committee at its 113th session (16 March–2 April 2015). Communication No. 2087/2011

038 2231419
077 3201270

ජනතා අදිකරණය (78) ;- වදහිංසාව ගැන පැහැදිලි ඉදිරි පියවරක්.

මේ අංක 26/2009 දරන මුලික අයිතිවාසිකම් නඩුවේ තීන්දුවේ සාරාංශය වේ. පෙත්සම්කරු ගාල්ලේ පදිංචි අසන්ත අරව්න්දය. වගයුත්තරකරුවන් වන්නේ එවකට පිටබැද්දර පොලිසියේ නිලදාරීන් නියෝජ්‍ය පොලිස්පති ගාල්ල පොලිස්පති සහ නීතිපතිවරයාය. ශේෂ්ට්‍රදිකරන විනිසුරු ඉවා වනසුන්දර විනිසුරු සිසිරද අබ්රු විනිසුරු කේ ටි චිත්‍රසිරි යන ත්‍රිපුද්ගල ශේෂ්ට්‍රදිකරන විනිසුරු මඩුල්ලක් හමුවේ නඩුව විබාග විය. පෙත්සම්කරු වෙනුවෙන් නීතිඥ උපුල් කුමාරප්පෙරුම 1 සිට 10 දක්වා වගයුත්තරකරුවන් වෙනුවෙන් නීතිඥ රසික දිසානායක 13, 14, සහ 15 වගයුත්තරකරුවන් වෙනුවෙන් රජයේ ජෙෂ්ට නීතිඥ යොහාන් අබේවික්‍රම යන අය පෙනී සිටියහ. තීරණය ලබා දුන්නේ 2016.08.02 වැනිදාය. නඩු තීන්දුව ලීවේ විනිසුරු සිසිරද අබ්රු වන අතර එයට අනෙක් විනිසුරු දෙපලගේ එකගතාවය හිමි විය.

11 සහ 12(1) යන වගන්තින් වලින් දැක්වෙන 1978 ආණ්ඩු ක්‍රම විවස්ථාවේ සහතික වූ මුලික අයිතීන් ඔහු සම්බන්දයෙන් කඩවූ බව තීරණය කෙරිණි. දිනය 2008.2.28 වැනිදාය. පෙත්සම්කරු සහ ඔහුගේ මිත්‍රයා රථ වාහන අනතුරකට පාත්‍ර විය. එතනට පිටබැද්දර පොලිසියේ නිලදාරීන් පැමිණියහ. ඔවුහු පෙත්සම්කරුට පහර දුන්හ. ඔහු වතුර ඉල්ළා සිටිවිට පොලිස් නිලදාරීන් ඔහුගේ මුවට යම් දියරයක් වත් කල අතර එය ඇසිඩ් බව දැන ගැනීමෙන් අනතරුව ඔහු එය ඉවත් කළේය. එම පොලිස් නිලදාරීන් ඉතිරි ඇසිඩ් ඔහුගේ මුහුණට දමා ගැසුහ. ඔහුගේ මුහුණ සහ වම් ඇස ප්ලිස්සිනි.

ඉන්පසුව පෙත්සම්කරුව සහ ඔහුගේ මිත්රයාව පොලිස් ස්ථානයට රැගෙන ගියහ. එහිදී ඔවුන්ට පහර දුන්හ. මෙය සිදු කලේ දැනට ජිවතුන් අතර නැති ස්ථානදිපති කරුණාසේන සහ අනෙක් නිලදාරීන් විසිනි. 2008.03.01 පෙත්සම්කරුව රෝහල් ගත කෙරිණි. ඔහුගේ ඇස අන්ද විය. 

පොලිසිය අදිකරණයට කිවේ මෝටර් සයිකලයකින් පැමිණි පුද්ගලයින් දෙදෙනෙක් සිදුකල වෙඩි තැබීමක් ගැන සොයන්නට ගිය බවත් ඒ අවස්ථාවේ පෙත්සම්කරු සැකකරුවකු වූ බවත් රැස්වූ පිරිසේ අයෙක් ඔහුට ඇසිඩ් ගැසූ බවත්ය. තවද සැකකාර පෙත්සම්කරු සතුව අත්බෝම්බයක් සහ ටි 56 ජිව උන්ඩ තුනක් තිබු බවත්ය. පෙත්සම්කරු මේ සියල්ල සිය විරෝදතා දැක්වීමේදී ප්‍රතික්ෂේප කළේය.

වගයුත්තරකරුවන් කිවේ මෙම පෙත්සම ශේෂ්ට්‍රදිකරණයට ඉදිරිපත් කර ඇත්තේ මාසයක කාලයට පසුව බවයි. එය ශේෂ්ට්‍රදිකරණය පිළිගත්තේ නැත. මෙහිදී අදිකරණය නැගු ප්‍රශ්නයක් වුයේ ඇසිඩ් වැදි දවස් තුනක් යන තෙක් පෙත්සම්කරුව රෝහල් ගත නොකර පොලිස් රැදවුම් බාරයේ තබා ගත්තේ ඇයිද යන්නය. එයට වගයුත්තරකරුවන් පිළිතුරු දුන්නේ නැත. එය පොලිසිය සිදු කල කෘර අමානුෂික සහ පහත කොට සැලකීමක් විය. 11 සහ 12(1) වගන්තින් වල සදහන් මුලික අයිතිවාසිකම් පෙත්සම්කරු සම්බන්දයෙන් කඩ වූ බව තීරණය කෙරිණි. රජය පෙත්සම්කරුට වන්දි ලෙස රුපියල් ලක්ෂ 2 ක් ගෙවිය යුතු විය. මෙම වන්දිය පෙත්සම්කරුට ලැබීමට සලස්වන ලෙස පොලිස්පතිවරයාට නියෝග කෙරිණි. 

මියිගිය ස්ථානදිපති කරුණාසේන පෙත්සම්කරුව පොලිසියේ රදවා ගැනීම ගැන අනෙක් වගයුත්තරකාර පොලිස් නිලදාරීන් විරුද්ද නොවීම ගැන අදිකරණයේ අවදානය යොමු විය. නමුත් 1 සිට 10 දක්වා වගයුත්තරකරුවන් පෙත්සම්කරුගේ මුලික අයිතීන් කඩ නොකළ බවත් ඒ සම්බන්දයෙන් වරදකරුවන් නොවන බවත් තීරණය කෙරිණි.

මෙම නඩු තීන්දුව සම්පුර්ණයෙන් ඉංග්‍රීසි බාෂාවෙන් කියවීමට පහත සබැදියාව හා යොමු වන්න.


Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Good Judgment on Torture

Asantha Aravinda filled the Fundamental Rights case before the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court gave the judgment saying his rights enshrined in the 1978 constitution specially article 11 and 12.1 were violated. The respondents are from Pitabaddara police including the OIC Karunasena (now he was died.) and other police officers from the same police station. 

On 28 February 2008 he was arrested by the police and threw acid to his face regarding motor traffic offences. He was being detained at the police station without giving him proper medical facilities and not admit to a hospital. After that he was remanded. 

The Supreme Court decided his fundamental rights were violated and ordered to pay him compensation of Rs.200,000/= It further ordered it was the responsibility of the Inspector General Of Police to pay the compensation to him. 

For the complete judgment in English follow the link,



ඊයේ වෙසක් උදා විය. අපිද නිවස ඉදිරිපිට සුදු පාට බල්බ් වැලකින් සැරසුවෙමු. ඉන්පසුව එක්තරා රුපවාහිනී චැනලයක වැදගත් දර්ම සාකච්චාවක් විය. ඒ බ...