Name K. M Athula
The complaint was made on 22.07.2016
On 15.07.2016 at around 9 pm we had a party in our house and were playing cards with 20 friends.
At dawn of next day four to five persons arrived with poles saying filthy language and stormed to our house. They were all in civil clothes. They disclosed that they were from the police. They assaulted us. Some were left the place. They arrested 8 persons and put inside the jeep. Two persons reached me and asked whether I was the owner of the house and assaulted me. They handcuffed me and put inside the jeep. We were all brought to the Kalawana police station.
We were all put into the police cell. One police officer again went to my home and brought about 20 vehicles including a motorcycle try shaw and a jeep. It took about 2 hours.
My right hand was arching badly. I shouted with pain. I was taken to the hospital by one officer whom also assaulted me. I came to know he was a inspector of police. His name is Weeraratne. I can identify him after seen him.
I was taken to the Kalawana hospital on 16.07.2016 at around 3 in the dawn by the police. I was introduced to a female doctor. I told her that I was assaulted by the police. She examined me. She put a bandage to my hand and gave medicine to drink.
The doctor asked me whether I was drunk. She told the police officer that I was not drunken. I was brought back to the police station and again put inside the cell.
On 16.07.2016 around 9 in the morning I was taken outside the cell and recorded a statement from me by the same police officer who assaulted me. He told me not to disclose his name and said the other police officer who assaulted me was Thilekasiri and he also said he mentioned that officer's name in the statement.
I was given police bail. They told me to appear before the court on 20.07.2016. They released all the vehicles which were brought without any condition.
After receiving bail I called home. My daughter answered. She disclosed the police who came second time searched the house and made a mess in the room. The said officer also had theft Rs. 110000/= which was in the room.
I went to the hospital directly from the police. I was admitted. They had taken an x ray of my hand. From there I was taken to the Ratnapura hospital by an ambulance. The hospital police post recorded a statement. The judicial medical officer examined me. I was discharged on 18.07.2016. I made a complaint to the Assistant Superintendent of police in Ratnapura. The accepted it.
On 20.07.2016 I appeared before Kalawana Magistrate Court. The police charged all the 8 of us for playing cards for money ( Gambling) We pleaded guilty according to the instructions of the lawyer. Everybody had to pay fine of Rs.1000/= each.
After that I came to know the police officer who assaulted me was Thilekasiri and who was the officer theft Rs.110000/= from my house. I can identify him by after seen him.
I requested to take legal and disciplinary actions against the police officers called Weraratne and Thilekasiri and return my money back. (Rs. 1,10,000/=)